“I haven’t had an inspection yet, but I’d like an OSHA consulting professional to evaluate us to make sure our bases are covered”
Smart owners and managers monitor their operations to identify OSHA violations, even before there’s any sign of trouble from OSHA. Our OSHA consulting staff will evaluate your operation and help you address any issues on your own terms, in your own time frame, and without the pressure of an OSHA deadline looming over you.
Our OSHA consulting staff will help you identify which regulations apply, what your current level of compliance is, and what your options are to resolve any problems. We help to prioritize needs so you’ll be better able to focus on important requirements, and de-emphasize requirements that are less important. Lastly, we consult with you to resolve any issues we find, for instance, by developing the proper written safety programs and/or providing safety training.
“I’ve recently had an inspection or received a fine, and I need help from an OSHA consultant”
Receiving an OSHA citation is a once in a lifetime event for most people, so it’s very normal to have more questions than answers. You might not even have a clear picture of what your options are.
As OSHA consultants, it’s our goal to help you understand what your choices are, and what needs to happen and when. Whether you want to evaluate the validity of your citation and perhaps contest it, or just pay the fine and move on with life, you might need an OSHA consultant who’s been through this a few (hundred) times.
We have assisted many employers with contesting their citations, and we’ve won significant penalty reductions in every single case. But remember, there are deadlines for responding to OSHA, so call us today! A few hundred dollars in consulting fees may save you thousands on your fine.